Tuesday 21 May 2013

Day 1. Lunch at The Imperial

Natalie had heard about this hotel from her fellow Interns at Women's Idea NGO. She warned me it was expensive ...... but it was worth every Rupee - scrumptious food, awesome decor and many memories/momentos of the days of the Raj.
Reckoned amongst Asia’s finest hotels and ranked by World Luxury Hotel Awards as the Best Luxury Hotel in India for 2010 and 2011, The Imperial is a fine confluence of rich historical past with an awe inspiring heritage and a slick international appeal. Twenty four elegant king palms lead visitors to the porch.
The hotel’s extensive collection of colonial images and memorabilia has characterized The Imperial as a 'Museum Hotel'. The Imperial’s unconventional appearance, a mixture of Victorian and old Colonial with a touch of Art Deco, makes it a distinctive landmark in the capital city.



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