Wednesday 22 May 2013

Day 2 in India - Will it get hotter than yesterday (45.1 degrees Celcius)?

It was the second most hottest day in May in Delhi for ten years ....... Forecast is that it will get one or two degrees hotter in the next couple of days - phew.
However, only Mad Dogs and South Africans ...... we had a great day visiting a number of places, took lots of photographs, video of the driving experience in India and I bought a pair of chappals (after that, I was MUCH more comfortable). I'm finding little time in the evenings to download my images so that I can post them here, still feeling the effects ofthe long journey here. But, NO regrets, I am lappping up all the sights and sounds ( no smells - yet) and all my childhood memories are being confirmed.
Tomorrow, we rise early at 0600 to board the Shatabdi Express at Delhi Central, bound for Kalka. Now, the original scedule according to the On The Go Taj & Raj Tour, was to then transfer to the narrow guage Himalayan Queen Toy Train for the rest of the journey to Shimla but, as we only discovered tonight when we met a Representaive from OTG, we are making that journey by car. Hmm, this is the third deviation from my contracted Tour. We (I had the backing of my daughters, thankfully) had quite a heated discussion with him about this, only to be told that we were "confused". I won't bore with details, we eventually squeezed out an apology and arrived at a compromise, with promises that there would be no further problems/issues. Now we are going to relax and enjoy the main part of the Tour. I will, however, be taking this up with OTG and Flight Centre on my return to Cape Town.

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